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Collocation 을 알아보자(5)


1. binary(|baɪnəri) + opposition([|ɑ:pə|zɪʃn) 

뜻(영어 뜻으로 이해하는게 편한거 같네요. 우리말로 풀어서 설명하면 밀접하게 연관된 대조적인 용어.. 예로 위 아래, 좌우가 있네요): The principle of contrast between two mutually exclusive terms: on/off, up/down, left/right etc; an important concept of structuralism

It is because Orthodox Christianity (of Russia) never entertained the Western binary opposition between the Roman Christianity and Islam

The binary oppositions that are used in this are that the villain is edgy and the heroes are unruffled when jumping from the airplane

2. biological([|baɪə|lɑ:dƷɪkl) + evolution(|evə|lu:ʃn) 생물학적 진화

Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution

Don't you think biological evolution is one of the most important ideas of modern science?

3. brief(bri:f) + account(ə|kaʊnt) 간단한 설명, 짧은 설명을 말합니다.

I shall give a brief account of our stewardship in the past year

Here is a brief account of what happens

4. briefly(|bri:fli) + describe(|skraɪb) 간략하게 설명하다

Some of these are briefly described below.

The company structure, managerial objectives, and current market standings were briefly described.

5. broad(brɔ:d) + agreement(ə|gri:mənt) 전반적인 합의

There was broad agreement in committee

Once a broad agreement is reached in coming weeks, Dijsselbloem said the eurozone will come back to issues related to Greece's stringent medium-term budget targets and the country's debts - key conditions of the Greek government.

6. broader + context(|kɑ:ntekst)  큰 매락, 전후 사정

A wealth of information has been collected, but it has limited value without a broader context

We can see our own crucial decisions in a broader context.

7. broadly(brɔ:dli) + defined(|faɪnd) 광범위 하게(대략적으로) 정의된

So chemistry is broadly defined as the study of matter.

Legal experts say it highlights how the private land-use rights that China’s governing Communist Party introduced in the 1980s — in a country where all land is owned by the state — are so broadly defined that they often sow confusion

8. business(|bɪznəs) + sector(sektə(r)) 기업부문

In economics, the business sector or corporate sector is "the part of the economy made up by companies".

In the three-sector theory of economics, the business sector is divided into three types: the primary sector of raw materials, the secondary sector of manufacturing, and the tertiary sector of sales and services.

9. capitalist([|kӕpɪtəlɪst) + country([|kʌntri)  자본주의 국가

In a capitalist country the capitalists are in their driver's seat.

a lot of Eastern Europe was falling under Soviet sway, the US - not a Communist country, a very capitalist country, uh you can imagine

10. career(|rɪr) + development(|veləpmənt) 경력 개발

Recognition of the importance of career development is increasing

I kept contacting the career development center at the University of Arkansas to see what they could do
