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Collocation 을 알아보자(5) 1. binary(|baɪnəri) + opposition([|ɑ:pə|zɪʃn) 뜻(영어 뜻으로 이해하는게 편한거 같네요. 우리말로 풀어서 설명하면 밀접하게 연관된 대조적인 용어.. 예로 위 아래, 좌우가 있네요): The principle of contrast between two mutually exclusive terms: on/off, up/down, left/right etc; an important concept of structuralism It is because Orthodox Christianity (of Russia) never entertained the Western binary opposition between the Roman Christianity and Islam The .. 더보기
Collocation 을 알아보자(4) 1. available(ə|veɪləbl) + data(|dɑ:tə) 사용 가능한 자료(데이터) According to available data, there have been 17,479 new arrivals to Greece, Italy and Bulgaria, as countries of first arrival to Europe since the beginning of 2017 till 28 of February 2017. And all parties are using the same strategy: Potential analysis – using the publicly available data, including previous election results and regional soci.. 더보기
Collocation 을 알아보자(3) 1. apply(ə|plaɪ) + equally(|i:kwəli) (한국말로 동등하게 적용되다) but this must be compliant with pertinent laws and rules that apply equally to all government agencies,” When the laws do not apply equally, wrongdoers escape accountability. These basic rules apply equally to men and women 2. appropriate(ə|proʊpriət) + action(|ӕkʃn) (한국말로 적절한 행동) Fears were expressed that no attempt was being made to raise f.. 더보기
Collocation 을 알아보자(2) 1.advanced(əd|vӕnst) + technology(tek|nɑ:lədƷi) Use it in a sentence: Physically, the Psilons are extremely weak, forcing them to use their advanced technology to defend themselves. Romans had very advanced technology in producing concrete. 2.adverse(|ӕdv3:rs) + effect(ɪ|fekt) I hoped that the medication I bought would not have an adverse effect on my health and would be good for me to take and .. 더보기
Collocation 을 알아보자(1) 우리나라 말에서도 멋진 친구 혹은 엉뚱한 친구 같이 형용사와 명사가 어울리는 말들이 있다. 영어에도 이렇게 잘 어울리는 영어의 조합이 있는데 보통 이런 조합을 Collocation 이라고 부른다. 특히 Academic 한 영어에서는 이런 collocation이 틀리면 상당한 감점을 당한다. 하루마다 열개씩 공부하는 시간을 가져보자. 1. abstract(|ӕbstrӕkt) + concept(|kɑ:nsept) Abstract concepts include freedom, good and evil, love, feminism, success, morality, and chauvinism. Abstract concepts are those for which there is no physical referen.. 더보기
